Thursday, July 31, 2008

Finishing the summer with golf and fun!

Rheagan and Mack before the parent/child golf tournament at CCC. It was a couple of HOT, LONG and FUN days for the daddy/daughter duo. They had a good time playing together, for the second year in a row.

Rhea, Tripp and I joined Mattie G, Rachel and Jaci for a fun morning in Chatty. We hit the Chattanooga Zoo, carousel, and the aquarium Wednesday morning. Tripp is looking forward to his daily dates with Mattie next week when school starts.

Rheagan is playing in the junior club championships today and tomorrow. Here she is practicing Wednesday evening.

And here is the first shot of the tournament. She shot a 19 today. We are so proud of her! She'll finish up Friday morning. I'll let you know the outcome.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jack visits TN

We have been quite busy the last few days with Jackson...
  • swimming
  • firefly catching
  • Lookout game (what a joke)
  • Knoxville Zoo
  • carousel sp?
  • Aquarium
  • spend the night party at our house
  • Geo caching
  • Deer Park
  • just playing around

We have had so much fun with Baby J and will soak up as much as possible on his final day here tomorrow. Pictures will come soon.......

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a few snapshots....

The first hugs in a week..... one little man missed his big sister!

We are ALL glad Rheagan is home and that she brought Jackson with her. There are 2 things all kids have played with this summer.... a Radio Flyer Rocket and the marble game. The 3rd picture is Big Mike and Jackson playing it. The last picture proves that my kids are just a few years behind on technology - here is Tripper with Jackson's IPOD and loving the features.

We've already been to the pool and played outside until it got too hot. Rheagan has soccer tonight. We are planning on heading to the Knoxville Zoo tomorrow. Aquarium on Thursday? Any other suggestions?

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Tripper part 2

Everyone got in on the remodeling action - and every job needs a good supervisor!

Big Mike can decorate with the best of them~

As you walk into Tripp's Room

The new look...... the Tripp frame will be one the wall when Mack can get into dust.

We'll also have Mack's saddle hanging from the ceiling. I can handle a saddle much easier than the 2 deer hanging from the walls

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The fabric and quilt for the bedding. Mostly brown (camel color) and blues. Tripp is already tucked in his big boy bed and LOVING it. Maybe we should have done it sooner. I'll get more pictures up as it is a work in progress.

Tripper before

Yes - a boy can collect so much stuff in just 2.5 years. With the deer gone, bed taken down, and a color change we now look like.......
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

simple update

Rheagan is still gone - check out my sister's blog to catch up on her
Tripp is at Mh and Big Mike's tonight
Mack is recovering from PRK eye surgery
I am re-doing Tripper's room. I worked about 3 hours on his name in lights (rope)

Carpet cleaner comes at 8 AM to clean my room and Tripp's place then another eye check up for mack. When we return - putting Tripper's room together. I am so excited!

pictures will be posted soon - before and after.... do not send to HGTV - they will not be impressed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Rhea's on "holiday"

Rheagan has gone to Texas for the week. We've got several projects on the books to do while she's gone. I took all the "stuff" on Tripp's shelves down and tape up the edges ready for paint tomorrow. We're going cowboy. The quilt is Camel colored with dark brown and a blue stripe. We've got a blue paint color. There are a few before and after shots coming later.

Tripp is missing his Sugar Rhea. Dinner with only one child is lonely.
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Sunday, July 13, 2008

endings and beginnings

Payne will head back to Texas tomorrow and take Rheagan with him. My first born, gone for a week. What will I ever do with my time???? Well, for starters, Tripp's room is going cowboy. He'll move into a twin size bed and change his colors. (paint, move furniture, get carpets cleaned....)

We'll do some touch-up things in Rheagan's room while she's out. She needs a new blind and her dolls need some serious help. (too many for the small shelves)'

I'll get some pictures on here soon. Maybe I could spend a few minutes updating this too.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Rheagan had a good buddy come spend the night after soccer camp last night. We don't get to see Lainee except at soccer because she lives in Ooltewah. Lainee was a delight to have around our house. After a late snack-dinner they headed to bed easily at 9:45. (They even asked to go to bed!!!) We were a tad bit lazy this morning but mustered up the energy to go swimming and bowling before they headed back to soccer camp.

We ran over to Allie Kate's house to check on her because she had knee surgery today. Best of luck getting back on your feet again soon!

Rheagan is back with Payne tonight for a spend the night party there. No telling what we'll get into tomorrow....swimming, geocaching, shopping.....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

no news.....

Today we got up to join MH and Big Mike geocaching. There are pictures, but none available to me. Maybe I don't want you to see pictures. We went to our greenway with coordinates and gps in hand. The cach was on the other side of Mouse Creek. Payne, Rheagan and myself decided it was all an "adventure" and crossed the creek. One un-named person fell in. No change of clothes. Not in water shoes. No fun.

Rheagan came home to take a nap and I made a doctor's appointment for her. Come to find out, no strep, no mono, no problems other than a little virus that is tormenting her. Should be ok in a day or so.

Soccer tonight for Rheagan while the rest of the gang went to the Lookouts game. Last I heard it was 1-12. Not a good night for the lookouts.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Polk County adventures

A better Rheagan NEEDED to join the family for an adventure to Polk County. We first went to Smardee's for Breakfast. (Trippism for Hardee's.) We checked out the Mennonite Community in Delano. We enjoyed seeing several unique sights like a horse on a water treadmill, lots of horse-drawn buggies, and farming EVERYWHERE.

We then went to the Whitewater Center for a snack lunch. Here we are as we began our journey. After a Lunner (Dunch) (Sunch) a combo lunch/dinner at Cici's, Rheagan went to soccer camp. We then joined the fam again for firefly catching and ice cream. What a day!

Rebecca and Evan head home tomorrow. We've had a great time and wish they could stay longer. Come back soon!
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Sunday, July 6, 2008

A full House

3 boys and 2 girls count as a full house at the Seagos. Welcome Payne! Rebecca and Evan will be here until Tuesday while Payne gets to stay and hang out until next Sunday. What kind of fun can we have!?????

Rheagan is still in isolation (can't you tell?) Hopefully we'll be able to really join the fun tomorrow.
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Garden War I

War has been officially declared by me on the deer of our community. I think every deer in the neighborhood visited our garden last night for a party. Here is the garden a few weeks ago looking lovely. Few weeds. Good dirt. NO DEER.

I am still too upset to take a picture of what it looks like now. The thousands of purple hulls I planned to pick this morning are GONE. HALF EATEN. CHEWED UP. I did pick about a Tripp-size handful of peas.

Such tacky animals to go where they are not invited. Any suggestions on how to keep them out? There are still unprotected veggies left to grow and I want to claim them before the deer get them.

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

pictures for the following post

Payne's boy

Amy Gail and I enjoying a Braves WIN (rare these days).

Tripp's Boy

Payne's boy, again.

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I would have gotten a picture of Rheagan's boy, too, but he got sent back down to the minors the day of our game. Just her luck. She even had Jeff's shirt to wear to the game. I opted to get her to wear something else. Maybe he'll be back once he figures out how to make contact with the ball.

Happy 4th!

We went to Atlanta to enjoy some time away. We started our day at the PGA Golf Store where I got a new hybrid club. Watch out - here I come! (Several of you are shaking in your golf shoes!) We then headed to the hotel where the littlest and oldest stayed to swim while Amy, Linda and I went to the mall to find all the bargains no one else wanted. I did come away with several new articles of clothing for school. Here we are heading into the Braves game vs. Houston Astros.
Posted by PicasaWe were in 2 different sets of seats. One set was RIGHT BEHIND HOME PLATE BY THE ON-DECK OF THE VISITORS. We were closer to home plate than the pitcher! We could turn and see the faces of the Astros in the dugout. They were UNREAL seats!!! Did I mention they came with valet parking and all you could eat food? The costs of the seats for someone was $300 a seat. Yes - $300 bucks for one seat with an incredible view, any type of food you could dream of in a flash, easy parking and perfect fireworks. What a way to watch a game! Thank goodness McKamy has buddies who will share Braves tickets. All the adults got to experience the seats for a few innings.
The other seats were good "average Joe" seats that most anyone would love to have. Now that we've been on the front row these look pretty sad though. Our dinner consisted of 4 slices of pizza, 1 bag of chips, 1 bottled water and 1 large coke for the low cost of $48. UNREAL! Forty-eight dollars for a snack. It was so sad. The parking was the same because we rode together and the fireworks were the best ever at the Braves.
For my eldest nephew, here is how I saw Lance. For my only son, here is how we saw Chipper.
Rheagan was so thrilled about the whole game that she got sick with tummy troubles and a high fever. She didn't take advantage of the unlimited good food. Should have known something was up at that point!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Cousins and Friends are here!

My really good friend, Jules and family, are here from Valdosta, GA. We went to play at the CCC pool last week. Here is her daughter hanging with my kids.

My cousins from California are here to visit. Rebecca and Evan are here for 10 days to join Rheagan at X-Play at FBC. It's a day camp where the kids have 5 "tracks" to choose to do all week. Rheagan's choices are tumbling, desserts, digital photography, water games, and geo-caching. Some she is loving and others she wish would get over SOON.

Rebecca and Evan have fit right into our busy schedules just fine. They are so much fun for Rheagan and Tripp to around. We've been to X-Play, soccer and just played around the house. Today we're going swimming and tomorrow we'll fish.

We (the whole Hall family) are going to Hotlanta on Friday for the Braves game.