Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lady Raider Summer Kick-Off Cook Out. Thanks Finnels for the house, dock, boat.....
Tripp playing on the slip and slide

The first official picture of the kiddos. Let the summer begin!

Rheagan and her buddies at CHS Lady Raider Camp. (Go Stuart!)

The Lady Raider Basketball Staff Renunion.

The first official pool picture.

The goggles fit - really they do.... check the next picture.........

THe Lady Raider car wash. Rheagan didn't quite fit in with the bathing suit choices, but she was a hard worker.

"Will you come play baseball?" Tripp will play baseball with anyone, anyplace, any time... ANY.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

week 1 update

If the rest of my summer flies by as quickly as this week has done, I'm in trouble. I'll be in even bigger trouble if I'm as busy as I was this week.

Monday - Lady Raider camp with 65 k-8th graders. Practice with the 22 Lady Raiders.
Tuesday - Lady Raider camp and practice
Wednesday - Lady Raider camp and practice
Thursday - Lady Raider camp and practice. Planted Black-eyed peas in the thunder. (comforting... let me tell ya!) Lost Rheagan somewhere between camp and practice to my parents who kidnapped her and took her to Williamsburg, VA. They say they'll return on Monday.
Friday - Lady Raiders play in 4 scrimmage games at Meigs County.
Saturday - Lady Raiders play in 7 scrimmage games at Bryan College.
Sunday - Kept nursery at church then river play all day. Tripp tried to ski. He tubed and knee boarded solo. What a big kid!

There were pictures taken. They will be uploaded....sometime.

p.s. - Rheagan won the "triple threat" award at camp = she was pumped!
p.s.s. - no bball games or practice on Monday....THANK GOODNESS!