Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A week's worth of pictures....

Disney World is truely the "happiest place on Earth"! These are just a few of my pics.
There are more - lots more. There were over 3000 pictures taken.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Just a little shout out to the Texas nephews who were BOTH on championship teams in their basketball league! Way to go fellas.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Animal - no Spider Kingdom

I'm not sure where Tripp's obsession with spiders or Spider Man has come from - but he pitched a fit about going to Animal Kingdom today. He was determined to go to Spider Kingdom. Go Figure - he's 3.

We saw Nemo - Awesome....wonderful... great. A 11 on a scale of 10. A must see. Think we liked it? It was the Nemo story with HUGE puppets. Even though you saw the people the didn't have an affect on the story. It was a musical, too - which i LOVE!

Rhea got her fill of roller coasters again - did Everest 4 times. They also have a ride called dinosaur - which I hated. Might be bc I hate dinosaurs.

We came back to the room to swim mid day then went back to Spider Kingdom to have a special safari ride after hours. It was great. We saw lion, cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, and gazelles to name a few. Sorry to disappoint anyone - only 350+ pictures today. Most were safari pics.

I told Nutney I'll narrow our pictures to our top 100 or so when we're done.

Tomorrow is Epcot. (the golf ball) I hope Soaring is all it's been built up to be~


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Disney update

I didn't quite give the correct numbers on my pictures... i now have taken a meager 1623 in our 5 days here. I would LOVE to share a few - but it takes FOREVER to upload them with my verizon card. Now granted - most shots are 3-5 of the same shot. when trying to get 4 kids - no make that 5 kids (we include Mack in our kid count) - it takes a few shots.

We had a GREAT day - Rhea, Mack, Tripp and I got up and were at the park when it opened - and headed straight to space mountain. We did just about all we wanted to do in the park before 11:30 a.m. - but somehow didn't make it back until after the fireworks at 9:00 p.m.

Tomorrow is Animal kingdom again with a short trip to the pool in the middle of the day. The weather has been perfect for a dip in the pool.

More soon -

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Disney World...

With ONLY 8 days to play in the parks - who has time to update a silly little blog like this. I promise to put pictures (after 4 days I've taken close to 800) and give you a day by day summary.... just not now. We've gone none stop from Sat, Sunday, Monday and today. My plans are to keep it up - as I can sleep at home.

I think I might get the most pictures taken on a vacation prize. It's insane. Absolutely insane.

This is the happiest place on Earth!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Just a few of the latest...
Not sure if you can tell - but Rhea has new glasses. No more lovely jewels and beads on the sides.
Soccer starts soon. Tripp will sit out another season - but will be ready to play in the fall. Golf has already begun for us all.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

memory lane

I worked down memory lane today as I cleaned up my flower beds. I remember my grandmother's driveway full of day lilies - now lining my retaining wall. I trimmed up the red cannas from my grandmother's house and the orange cannas from my great grandmother's house. I also cleaned up the iris plants from Mack's grandmother's yard.

The other thing I figured out is that I'm not in my twenties as my back is hurting. I'll be reminded often in the next few days of how much I worked. My fingernails are nasty - but what a glorious reason to have dirty nails.

I'll post pictures in the summer of flowers.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Curtain Call

The curtain call for the Lady Raiders was short. We gave it our all - but came up short against Cumberland County. For a team that was picked 4th in the preseason to end up 1st in the district - not half bad.

What a great season with so much we overcame, achieved and learned. All of us.

So - I have turned off the lights in the gym for the last time this season..... and already looking forward to next year!