I'm not sure where Tripp's obsession with spiders or Spider Man has come from - but he pitched a fit about going to Animal Kingdom today. He was
determined to go to Spider Kingdom. Go Figure - he's 3.
We saw
Nemo - Awesome....wonderful... great. A 11 on a scale of 10. A must see. Think we liked it? It was the
Nemo story with HUGE puppets. Even though you saw the people the didn't have an affect on the story. It was a musical, too - which i LOVE!
Rhea got her fill of roller coasters again - did Everest 4 times. They also have a ride called dinosaur - which I hated. Might be
bc I hate dinosaurs.
We came back to the room to
swim mid day then went back to Spider Kingdom to have a special safari ride after hours. It was great. We saw lion, cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, and gazelles to name a few. Sorry to disappoint anyone - only 350+ pictures today. Most were safari pics.
I told
Nutney I'll narrow our pictures to our top 100 or so when we're done.
Tomorrow is Epcot. (the golf ball) I hope Soaring is all it's been built up to be~