Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dedicated to Coach J

Coach J - you asked... and here are a few. These were from Hilton Head over Christmas Break. I'll post more soon.
Good Luck tonight!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Basketball updates

I've pinched myself a few times. I've replayed the game in my mind several times. I've read and reread articles about the game. Low and behold - the Lady Raiders were victorious Friday night. What a game. The ladies in blue played an outstanding game against the Mustangettes.

The Stuart Lady Bulldogs will have their final regular season basketball game on Tuesday. This weekend we were victorious with a score of 13-5 over Valley View. The girls have played so well all season and I'll be sad to see it come to an end. We celebrated at Beef 'O' Bradys after the game. If ever you need a good meal in Cleveland, I recommend the Beef!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Craziest days here in Cleveland. The first of January we were out for FLOODING. Last Friday we didn't have school due to the COLD WEATHER. I'm looking outside right now and it's SNOWING! Just maybe we won't have school again tomorrow. (all fingers are crossed......)

I would love to share Christmas pictures. Must have new down loader to do that. Must go to Circuit City to get that. Must be done tomorrow.

Greetings to ALL - and to all a warm night.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A day off

Dr. Denning blessed the entire Cleveland City School payroll with a day off for me. That's right - for me. He had it rain so much that the area was flooding, but I thought it was for me. It was the only day of Christmas break I had to do what I wanted to do. Christmas Break was only a time away from school for me. Feel sorry for me that I had to go to Atlanta to coach basketball. Pity me that I spent 6 fun days with the Texas family with Christmas presents and World Tour. Cry a bucket that we went to Hilton Head for good times for 5 days. (golfing in December is awesome). Feel sorry again for me that I coached 2 more games after the new year.

So - all in all - Dr. D thought I could use one more day to be stuck in my house. I got so much accomplished! Christmas decor down, cleaned drains, CLEANED the garage, basement, and "dump" (upstairs empty room), FILLED a dump trailer full of trash, and cleaned under a few cabinets were just a few tasks Rheagan, Tripp and I got done.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The latest Tripperism

This morning as I was in a foul mood because I was running behind on my first day back at work from the break Tripp comes running into my closet.  He should have already been in the car with Mack leaving for Mimi's, but instead he runs to me and tells me he has a favor.  ( When Tripp wants to tell you a secret, you have to close your eyes as he tells you "the favor" )  I kneel down to his level, close my eyes, and wait for the secret.  He simply says "I love you" and runs off to the car.  Needless to say, from that moment on, my day was much better.  I just love his "favor"!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Enjoy Christmas with the family - check.
Enjoy a few days away in Hilton Head - check.
Have car trouble on the way back from a relaxing break - check.
Call about Cierra's knee surgery - check.
Watch the ball drop - check.
Get New Year's Cards ready to mail - check.
Watch lots of football - check.

Things to do before school starts on Monday:
2 CHS basketball games
practice Stuart's team 2 times
pictures on Sunday for Stuart
take down Christmas decorations

I promise there will be pictures of Christmas and Hilton Head soon - maybe Sunday after we take team pictures. maybe not.